Can You Modify Seats or Seatbelts and Still Be Compliant?

In Australia, you need a roadworthy certificate if you want to drive your vehicle on a public road. Most people understand this and know that inspectors will take a close look at wheels, tyres, brakes, suspension and other components that help to keep the vehicle in a safe condition. Yet, the test itself is quite comprehensive and may involve a lot of other parts as well, both outside and inside. So if you intend to carry out any modifications to your existing vehicle inside the cabin, what do you need to be aware of first?

Seat Replacement or Alteration

If you drive your car a great deal in a typical month, you will, of course, want to be as comfortable as possible. Some people do not like the seat fitted to their car as standard and may choose to swap it out for a completely different version. If you're thinking about doing this yourself, you need to be familiar with Australian Design Rules. These documents specify what type of seat you can fit into the particular make and model of the vehicle and still be compliant.


So, in this case, your new seat will need to be on that list as if not, you need to get separate certification from your state regulator. If you fit a seat to a brand-new anchorage point within the cabin, you need to be even more careful. You will need to get certification in every case if you choose not to use the anchorage points originally supplied by the manufacturer.

Be Careful With Those Seat Belts

It's never a good idea to tinker with the seat belts or their anchorage locations. Inspectors will take a close look at any work here, and you will definitely need a certification if you've modified the anchorage or opted to fit a nonoriginal seatbelt. Again, the belts and anchorage points provided by the manufacturer are certified and included within the Australian Design Rules. Anything else will require careful certification, and in the absence of this documentation, you won't get your roadworthy certificate.

Getting It Right Before You Start Work

If you have any questions regarding modifications, you should talk with a mechanic or, ideally, someone who is certified to issue a roadworthy certificate. They will be able to guide you through the roadworthy inspection process and ensure that you do not fail the test or incur additional costs.

About Me

Auto servicing for fleet cars

We have a fleet of delivery vehicles in our business, which we need to have on the road for as much as possible of the day. Being able to make deliveries quickly and accurately is an important part of our business model. We have been trying different models of rotating vehicles in and out of service, trying to get the vehicles serviced at our workplace and trying to get all of the vehicles survived on 'off days'. If you are interested in how to schedule and complete scheduling on a fleet of auto vehicles then this blog will be interesting for you.

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