2 Main Types of Car Batteries Explained

Most car owners don't think about their car battery until it's too late. And even then, it's not always clear what's wrong with it or what to do about it.

This article highlights two main types of car batteries and explains how they work. Hopefully, you can make an informed decision about which battery is right for you.

Lead Acid Car Batteries

Lead-acid car batteries are the most common type of battery, and they're what you'll find in most cars on the road today. These batteries use a chemical reaction to create an electric current that can power your car. The lead and acid are combined to create a lead oxide paste, which is then used to coat the positive and negative plates in the battery.

When the car is running, the lead and lead oxide paste react with the acid to create electrical energy. This energy is then used to power your car's engine and accessories.

Lead-acid batteries are usually maintenance-free, but they can be damaged by overcharging or deep discharge. They also have a shorter lifespan than some other types of batteries, so you may need to replace them more often.

If you're looking for a car battery that's affordable and easy to find, a lead-acid battery is a good option. Just be sure to check the warranty and keep an eye on the charge level to avoid damaging it.

Lithium-ion Car Batteries

Lithium-ion car batteries are a newer technology that's becoming more popular in recent years. They are often used in hybrid and electric cars.

Lithium-ion batteries are made up of two electrodes, a cathode and an anode, separated by a liquid or gel electrolyte. Lithium ions flow from the cathode to the anode when the battery is charging. The ions flow back to the cathode when the battery is in use, producing an electric current.

Lithium-ion batteries are preferred over other batteries because they have a higher energy density, meaning they can store more energy in a given amount of space. They are also lighter and more powerful than lead-acid batteries. In addition, these car batteries have a longer lifespan, so you won't need to replace them as often.

However, lithium-ion batteries can be expensive. And because they're a newer technology, there's always the potential for a few problems down the road.

If you're looking for a car battery that's powerful and long-lasting, a lithium-ion battery is a good option. Just be sure to budget for the higher initial cost and keep an eye out for a reliable supplier. Contact a car battery provider to learn more.

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Auto servicing for fleet cars

We have a fleet of delivery vehicles in our business, which we need to have on the road for as much as possible of the day. Being able to make deliveries quickly and accurately is an important part of our business model. We have been trying different models of rotating vehicles in and out of service, trying to get the vehicles serviced at our workplace and trying to get all of the vehicles survived on 'off days'. If you are interested in how to schedule and complete scheduling on a fleet of auto vehicles then this blog will be interesting for you.

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